

July 14 – 25, 2025

Week 1: July 14th – July 18th, 2025

Week 2: July 21st – July 25th, 2025

Q7 Studios/Out Innerspace Dance Theatre,

77 E 7th Ave, Vancouver, BC.

Daily classes in Ballet, Contemporary, Choreographic Process, Company Repertoire and New Creations by Joshua Beamish.

Guest Instructors

Week 1: Renee Sigouin, Kidd Pivot / Ballet BC (Rehearsal Director)

Week 2: Kirsten Wicklund, Artistic Director of Ballet Edmonton

Step 1: Registration

Step 1: Please complete the registration form, click submit,

Step 2: Submit payment in the Payment section.

Disclaimer: On behalf of the student(s) named, I understand and agree that neither Movement Dance Productions Society, the director Josh Beamish, nor instructors are responsible for personal injuries or loss of/damage to personal property. I understand that participating in dance involves the possibility of injury and therefore, I assume all risks involved in the participation of the student(s) named.

Submission of this online form denotes acceptance of the above noted waiver

Step 2: Payment

One Week Registration

CAD $525 (per person)

(Price $500 + $25.00 GST)

Two Week Registration

CAD $897.75 (per person)

(Price $855 +$42.75 GST)